Category: Guidelines and Legislation

Is Investing HOA Reserve Funds the Right Move?

Is Investing HOA Reserve Funds the Right Move?

In the world of Homeowners Associations (HOAs), managing reserve funds effectively is crucial for maintaining property values and ensuring the community’s long-term financial health. A question that often arises is: Can HOAs invest their reserve funds? The answer isn’t straightforward, but understanding the nuances can help HOA boards make informed decisions. The Importance of Reserve…

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Condo Association Reserve Fund Guidelines: Financial Health and Long-Term Sustainability

Condo Association Reserve Fund Guidelines: Financial Health and Long-Term Sustainability

Introduction For condominium associations, having a well-managed reserve fund is crucial for maintaining the community’s infrastructure, addressing unexpected repairs, and ensuring long-term financial stability. Establishing clear guidelines for managing the condo association reserve fund is essential to avoid financial strain and adequately meet the needs of the community. In this blog post, we’ll delve into…

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Understanding IRS Rules on HOA Reserves: Ensuring Compliance and Financial Stability

Understanding IRS Rules on HOA Reserves: Ensuring Compliance and Financial Stability

Introduction As a critical aspect of Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and Community Associations, reserve funds are essential for covering future expenses and unforeseen repairs. However, it’s crucial to comprehend the impact of IRS rules on HOA reserves to ensure compliance and financial stability. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key IRS requirements related to HOA…

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